I declared a digbyholic week last week here in PH, sorry guys that's my only power I can't declare a non-working holiday..LOL.
First stopped of Marié Digby the PODIUM here in ORTIGAS, early morning I can't control my excitement because this is the day that I've been waiting for. Before going to the PODIUM, I make things ready for 1 hour! Prepare the gifts for her. Print the MD ARMY PIC., buy Photo Frame, the Digbyholics shirt, paper bag and exclusive Digbyholics DVD.

When I'm already there with Ayes, I texted all the digybholics who leave their number on email, I met a lot of them Jay, JJOE, TERE, NHANIE, MITCHY, JP MANAHAN, JOWN, CARLO, JUDE , jown and jackie. Sorry, for those I forgot to mention. The show started at 5pm and when the emcee's announced her name my hand was shaking and stunned by her beauty! OH MAN!. I had a meet and greet session with her. Please watch the video below.
Before the show, awful experience happened to us because I forgot to separate Ayes 3 CD 's from the Paper bag we gave to marié. haha!. But I think it is meant to be! Right Ayes?. lol.
Day two before the concert, AYES TEXTED me this great news! from CHOY of MCA UNIVERSAL.
hi ayes! this is Choy from MCA music.. lunch with Marié on Sunday 1pm at EDSA Shangrila Hotel. You and Jeff can bring one person each :) see you there!
BTW! on The Podium event Miss Choy got AYES number and we never expected she's really serious about it of texting.
10am I went to SM to picked up the money sent by my Co Admin Vince via WESTERN UNION take note it will be my first time using this kind of service. If you don't know guys, he sent money for me to buy a ticket for ROX's. Some guys chip in (uly, ken, jaymie and me). A day before the concert I talked to Roxy's Mom to allow her to watched the concert and I succeed!. That's what you call the MD FAMILY as Marié said.
8pm concert venue: it was raining tough though the rain can't stop us from coming there! as we experienced traffic down the metro, loud music were playing inside JJoe's car actually we took video of it "AVALANCHE" and "CRAZIER THINGS". When we're already at the venue, we waited for ROXY and to our special balikbayan guest (co-admin) Jaymie! she flew here just to watch Marie Digby's concert.. We cover the arrival of Jaymie on the concert venue. LOL!
When I was inside the venue It feels like I'm totally dreaming. This is it, I've been dreaming to see her performs live!. As Ayes said: "There were exclusive VIP tables in front which celebrities and high profile people are seated who's just there to get drunk. No wonder why Marié went off the stage and joins the crowd and held so many hands!" which is really true!.
Day 3: 1pm lunch but it was moved to 2pm because marié has to attend the SOP show. We where there early at quarter to two! and Ms. Choy approached us. When Marié Digby arrives, She seated beside AYES, Marie was infront of me. So, I wasn't able to talked that much!.. We talked about a lot, and I'm not gonna tell them all! specially the classified part. HAHA! right Jaymie?.
CONVERSATIONS that I won't forget (not detailed)..
Marie asked everyone, what is your favorite song on the album:
Jeff: AVALANCHE and CRAZIER things... I knew Marié didn't heard when I said crazier things.
Marie: What was that again?
So what I did was! I sung some lines of the song! right in front of her!. Then She brought out her camera making a joke that she will record it and going to post it on YOUTUBE! OMG!.
Marié asked everyone's age:
Jeff: Do you know how old I am?
Marié: Mmmm... 19?
Jeff: It was very flattering..... then I told her that we have the same age..
Marié ask everyone's birthday:
Jeff: September 11, 1983
Marié: oh my God I won't forget your birthday.
Marie was surprise to see my PINK DIGICAM...
By the way we have the same brand of Digital Camera "CASIO".
I have so much to say! I Can't express all the feelings that I'd experience!. After the LUNCH thing, I was on the bus and reminiscing all the MD experience and slowly tear fells down. So many emotions! Happy Because it was a dream come true, all hard works paid off and I am not regreting of anything, I'm not gonna stop supporting Marié till I get old I'll never get tired!. I'm sad because I'm going to miss her, We're gonna miss her all..
She's an inspiration to me who turns me in a positive way of thinking... Her songs will always reminds me that once in my life, a named MARIé DIGBY made a part of my life.
WE LOVE YOU ALL MARIé DIGBY!. Hope to see you soon again...
Ayes and I, didn't expect that we made up this far.... DREAM CAME TRUE!
Thanks Miss. Choy and Roland of MCA UNIVERSAL and the guy from hollywood records.
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